Pediatric Emergency Care Webinar and Telesimulation Series
Ended Dec 31, 2021
12 credits
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Full course description
Missouri EMS for Children has put together a virtual education series to help EMS professionals and hospital staff to easily access quality continuing education events related to the emergency care of pediatric patients. Each month, this series will alternate between an Ask the Expert webinar event and a clinical tele-simulation event. The topics will focus on the following areas:
- Pediatric Respiratory Illnesses
- Pediatric Behavioral Health
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Pediatric Seizures
- Pediatric Resuscitation
- Pediatric Trauma
Registered users should represent an EMS agency or hospital facility as a whole. Please contact Liz Kendrick, or Danielle Lee,, prior to registering to ensure this is the right course for you.